Nov 18, 2008

Intel's i7 "Nehalem" release event Nov. 17th 2008

With all the bad news about Cali. fires, the tanking economy and such.. here is some good news for us tech-heads, who seem to spend much of our working hours sitting in front of, using, or *waiting* on a computer. It's been on the drawing boards for several years now as many of us that work as suppliers have known. But these are the sorts of things you dont really talk about in your day to day blogging, discussions etc: (nda's and all) if you want to remain gainfully employed :-)

It's also not really a secret that Intel uses software from Synopsys to help design and verify these sorts of ICs.

When will this sucker show up in a Mac Pro Tower system? Jan. @ MacWorld would be my guess? although those machines already have some pretty fast Xeon chips in them.

The guys/gals at ARS technica have the breakdown here:

The Microarchitecture

The Core i7

The making of the i7

Turbo Boost Technology

Power Gating Technology.. while not new, it's adding a whole level of complexity to processor design

5 Year design cycle

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